Closing Labour Hire Loopholes
71. Establish a national approach to labour hire regulation that:
a. Preserves and supports existing statebased schemes in Victoria, Queensland and the ACT including the independent statutory authorities already established in those jurisdictions and,
b. Clarifies that an individual providing work to another person under a work-for-thedole or mutual obligations arrangement is a worker for the purpose of the ACT and national schemes.
c. Clarifies that a person may be a provider of labour hire services where they are not obliged to pay the worker themselves, but instead to direct or control payment to a worker from a third party.
d. Ensures all schemes operate to a Model Law: a common set of laws that represent best practice and take, as their starting point, the best elements of existing schemes.
e. Only allow mutual recognition obligations where the regulatory providers meet the minimum obligations set out by the federal regulato